Just over 18 months ago, I signed up for a 256slice from Slicehost to host this website, my email, etc. Later this week, I shall be shutting the machine down and cancelling my account with them.

For the record, this has nothing to do with the level of service I've received from them - I've always found their support team quick to respond and helpful, and their articles site and wiki are both very handy.

However, a combination of fluctuations of the pound against the dollar, a surge in demand for RAM by my applications and sites, and my getting increasingly fed up with transatlantic ping times of 130ms meant the machine was becoming unfit for purpose and overloaded.

Thus, I have now found a reasonably cheap way to bring "my stuff" home to hosting in the UK. About which, I will be writing more shortly!

So goodbye, Slicehost, and keep up the good work. I'd certainly recommend you to anyone who lives in America and needs a VM.