So the debacle finally came to an end - on the third attempt (one full month after the original order), OnePlus managed to ship me a 5t which did not disappear into a black hole somewhere in DHL's network.

Was it worth the wait? So far, I'd have to say yes. It's a big step up from the OnePlus Two - I didn't buy it for this, but it weighs less and doesn't feel ridiculous in a top or trouser pocket. The battery life and dash charging are exactly what I wanted.

Meanwhile, Google Pay is useful, especially since it manages to give immediate full details of transactions like the Oxford busses which take a surprising number of days to actually charge the card. I was amused that my corporate credit card doesn't support Google Pay, despite one of my personal cards, issued by the very same bank, working just fine.

Facial recognition to unlock the phone is a gimmick, but it's a surprisingly useful and accurate one, and doesn't seem fazed by the difference between me in glasses and me in contact lenses (and unlike Apple, OnePlus didn't go overboard and drop the fingerprint reader). And to my inexpert gaze, everything happens as fast and smoothly as on an iPhone 10 which costs over twice as much.

Next time, though, it'll be a brick and mortar shop purchase.