I’ve written here before about Nanoleaf.

And in addition to the two sets mentioned there, I treated myself to the Canvas before Christmas:

Nanoleaf Canvas

Sadly, after 26 months’ service (being turned on by a schedule for about 20 minutes a day), the Hexagons’ controller has died. Nanoleaf’s support site cheerily tells you the warranty has expired and redirects you to the page where you can pay £26 (plus shipping) for a new one. Except you can’t, because they’re out of stock!

It’s almost as though these things fail quite a lot and that’s why there’s no stock of the replacement!

Two year warranty or not, my opinion (thanks to Citizens’ Advice) is that the Consumer Rights Act 2015 gives me a reasonable shot at a free replacment.

Over to Nanoleaf to see if they’ll stand by their product - I’ll update this post if they do the right thing.

Update, 5 February - they offered to waive the postage on the replacement controller, which is pretty weak. Unfortunately it turns out Nanoleaf’s orders to the UK are all shipped by a legal entity in France, and since Brexit there is no sane way to make a small claims type claim against an EU company.

As such I’ve given in and paid the £25. Although the tracking for the parcel has been stuck on “shipped to Royal Mail” for three days now so there’s at least one more update to come…

Update, 7 February - the new controller has arrived and restored my pretty hexagons to life. The app and pairing process are a disgrace for such a premium product but I’ve battled through and am hoping for better than 26 months before I have to touch it again.